Embracing Life’s Limitations

As children, we are told we can achieve any goal if we just try hard enough and don’t give up. Television commercials tell us this. Motivational speakers tell us this. Often, our own parents tell us this. The harsh reality is that, sometimes, we choose goals and paths that are beyond our physical, emotional, financial, or intellectual abilities. We all have limitations, whether or not we choose to acknowledge them.

The reality is there are many goals we can choose from, many ambitions we can follow, many careers to choose from, so the thought that each of us has only one path to follow is erroneous. There are thousands of things in our universe that can make us feel valuable, worthy, needed, and successful.

By learning to adapt to life’s inevitable upheavals, we can start to embrace life’s limitations, make life choices that will fulfill our reasonable dreams and expectations, and stop worrying about who other people think we should be. Resilience, flexibility, and adaptability are the traits that lead us to a happy and fulfilling life.

In November 2022, I fulfilled my lifelong ambition of writing a book. I have been piecing together the parts of my story for the past two years through my online blog http://www.janmariet.com along with at least 100 pages of new material. I hope you will enjoy reading part of my life remembrances and responses in “Embracing Life’s Limitations: Letting Go of Who You Were Supposed to Be.

While my book is still very new to the market, it already has 5-star reviews on both Amazon and Goodreads.com. I’d like to share a couple of the reviews with you.

I hope you decide to share my life story. There’s so much more to tell!

My New Book Just Released!

I have exciting news! My book, “Embracing Life’s Limitations: Letting Go of Who You Were Supposed to Be” is available on Amazon.

You can follow this link to find it. https://www.amazon.com/Embracing-Lifes-Limitations-Letting-Supposed-ebook/dp/B0BL94PHJH/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=CxvDY&content-id=amzn1.sym.f05f10a7-d30f-4cc9-9521-a1dfe37686ab&pf_rd_p=f05f10a7-d30f-4cc9-9521-a1dfe37686ab&pf_rd_r=JAYN9H244QZ1E8ANGSX9&pd_rd_wg=f9bPx&pd_rd_r=48106e0e-ef73-4d69-9675-08ae089a9c21&ref_=pd_gw_ci_mcx_mi

I hope you’ll take a look. Best wishes!